CDC guidelines aim to curb painkiller prescribing
Associated PressWASHINGTON — Prescription painkillers should not be a first choice for treating common ailments like back pain and arthritis, according to new federal guidelines designed to reshape how doctors prescribe drugs like OxyContin and Vicodin. “We’re trying to chart a safer and more effective course for dealing with chronic pain,” Dr. Tom Frieden, the CDC’s director, said in an interview with the Associated Press. “The risks of addiction and death are very well documented for these medications.” More than 40 Americans die every day from painkiller overdoses, a staggering rate that Frieden said is “doctor driven.” Under the new guidelines, doctors would prescribe painkillers only after considering non-addictive pain relievers, behavioral changes and other options. FDA labeling for the drugs is broad, listing uses like “relief of moderate to severe pain.” Guidelines by pain specialists provide more detail, but focus less on risks.
History of this topic

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Chronic pain patients struggle to get opioid prescriptions filled, even as CDC eases guidelines
I Took Oxy And Fentanyl For Years. Here's What No One Is Telling You About The Opioid Crisis.
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Op-Ed: Opioids don’t do enough for chronic pain sufferers
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Op-Ed: Finally, some promising news on opioids for patients in severe pain
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CDC softens opioid prescribing guidelines for doctors
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