Merely Raising Dispute Before Any Authority Not A Ground To Waive Interest U/Sec 220(2A) Income Tax Act : Supreme Court
Live LawThe Supreme Court observed that the levy of simple interest on non-payment of the tax @ 1% p.a. is mandatory.Merely raising the dispute before any authority cannot be a ground not to levy the interest and/or waiver of interest under Section 220 of the Income Tax Act, the bench of Justices MR Shah and MM Sundresh observed.In this case, the Competent Authority rejected the application of. Merely raising the dispute before any authority cannot be a ground not to levy the interest and/or waiver of interest under Section 220 of the Income Tax Act, the bench of Justices MR Shah and MM Sundresh observed. Expressing complete agreement with the view expressed by the High Court, the Apex court bench observed: "Merely raising the dispute before any authority cannot be a ground not to levy the interest and/or waiver of interest under Section 220 of the Act. Mr. Raj Bahadur Yadav, AOR Headnotes Income Tax Act, 1961 ; Section 220 - Merely raising the dispute before any authority cannot be a ground not to levy the interest and/or waiver of interest under Section 220 - Otherwise each and every assessee may raise a dispute and thereafter may contend that as the assessee was bona fidely litigating and therefore no interest shall be leviable - Under Section 220 of the Act, the levy of simple interest on non-payment of the tax @ 1% p.a.