每日一词∣新型消费 new forms of consumption
China Daily我国近日印发《关于以新业态新模式引领新型消费加快发展的意见》,旨在着力补齐新型消费短板,去除机制障碍,推动线上线下消费有机融合。 China issued a guideline on accelerating the development of consumption created by new forms of business. The guideline is aimed at shoring up weak links in new forms of consumption, removing institutional obstacles and deepening integration of online and offline consumption. 2020年4月22日,在湖南省娄底市涟源市古塘乡申家村,南华大学青年志愿者直播平台的志愿者(左)与南华大学驻村帮扶工作队的队员(中)在帮助养鸡专业户(右)直播销售土鸡、土鸡蛋。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 近年来,我国以网络购物、移动支付、线上线下融合等新业态新模式为特征的新型消费迅速发展,特别是今年新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,传统接触式线下消费受到影响,新型消费发挥了重要作用,有效保障了居民日常生活需要,推动了国内消费恢复,促进了经济企稳回升。 《关于以新业态新模式引领新型消费加快发展的意见》提出,经过3—5年努力,促进新型消费发展的体制机制和政策体系更加完善,通过进一步优化新业态新模式引领新型消费发展的环境、进一步提升新型消费产品的供给质量、进一步增强新型消费对扩内需稳就业的支撑,到2025年,培育形成一批新型消费示范城市和领先企业,实物商品网上零售额占社会消费品零售总额比重显著提高,“互联网+服务”等消费新业态新模式得到普及并趋于成熟。 【重要讲话】 要危中寻机、化危为机,把这次疫情防控中暴露出来的短板和弱项加快补起来,把疫情防控中催生的新业态新模式加快壮大起来。 We should seek opportunities in crises, fix the shortcomings and weak links exposed in the epidemic, and boost the development of new business models that appeared amid the COVID-19 outbreak. We need to keep up with the trend of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, jointly seize opportunities created by digital, networked and smart development, explore new technologies and new forms and models of business, foster new growth drivers and explore new development pathways, and build the digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of innovation.