Trump can’t stop putting his top public health officials in tough spots
CNNCNN — President Donald Trump’s choose-your-own-adventure of medical studies and advice has this week forced his coronavirus team’s medical experts into awkward and often untenable positions, leading to what some describe as a baffling conundrum of when and how to publicly correct potentially dangerous misinformation. Members of the panel are often caught off-guard by Trump’s comments, a source close to the coronavirus task force said, adding the President’s remarks sometimes seem “surreal” to the experts sharing the podium at the daily news conferences. “It was a tough moment to watch.” How to approach the truth Video Ad Feedback Trump says he disagrees with Dr. Fauci on testing 02:01 - Source: CNN Some of the experts on Trump’s task force are concerned if they speak out too forcefully in opposition to what Trump is saying they could be removed from the effort to combat the virus, according to people familiar with the matter. This week, Fauci has offered a message on the potential return of the virus that ran counter to Trump’s own, more optimistic projections – including the President’s suggestion that it’s “possible it doesn’t come back at all.” Fauci’s message was different: “There will be coronavirus in the fall,” he said bluntly, adding later: “I am convinced of that.” The question of the return of the virus was prompted by an interview Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gave to The Washington Post. During Thursday’s coronavirus task force news briefing – which Fauci did not attend – Trump addressed Fauci’s remarks: “I don’t agree with him on that, no, I think we’re doing a great job on testing.” Blunt candor hasn’t always endeared Fauci to Trump; the President has complained in private when it seems he’s being contradicted by the nation’s top infectious disease specialist.