Physics Wallah’s AI push: Immortalizing ‘star teachers,’ building SLM assistants
Live MintPhysics Wallah is building small language models to solve questions in physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology, as the edtech major seeks to leverage artificial intelligence for scale and efficiency. “Our chief technology officer Devesh Mishra has dropped all his other responsibilities to focus on building SLMs for Physics Wallah," company founder and chief executive Alakh Pandey told Mint in an interview. The company is able to make substantial investments in AI because the rest of Physics Wallah’s projects run “frugally". Immortalizing ‘star’ teachers As the project progresses, PhysicsWallah's aims to preserve and scale the teaching of “star" educators like Pandey—those with exceptional delivery skills, strong student feedback and high learning outcomes. Ultimately, the Physics Wallah team went ahead with AI Guru, but internally, it continues to be referred to as ‘Alakh AI.’ Initially, AI Guru was able to solve 30-40% of queries with approximately 50% accuracy.
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