I'm An ER Doc. When My Mom Was At Her Sickest, I Was Powerless To Stop What Happened Next.
6 months, 2 weeks ago

I'm An ER Doc. When My Mom Was At Her Sickest, I Was Powerless To Stop What Happened Next.

Huff Post  

The author with her family during a time in her childhood when her mother was stable on oral antipsychotic medications. I’d gotten a call from the police: “Your mom has stolen her neighbor’s dog saying they are having a playdate with her cats.” When I coaxed her to the ER that time, under the guise of getting a prescription refill, she became agitated and started yelling at me as they guided her to the psychiatric lockdown unit. Even though she admitted to only taking her pills “when she felt like it,” she wasn’t disruptive enough to society to be placed on a treatment order. “You can’t cage the free bird,” the ER nurse said in trying to console me. The author’s mother with her daughters after she was able to get her mom on a scheduled injectable antipsychotic medication.

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