IIT Mandi scientists develop glass that removes pollutants from water using sunlight
5 years, 8 months ago

IIT Mandi scientists develop glass that removes pollutants from water using sunlight


This glass can be used by industries to de-contaminate wastewater and help curb air pollution. Scientists at IIT Mandi have developed a self-cleaning glass that can remove microbes and organic pollutants — like dyes, detergent and drugs — from wastewater, using only sunlight. While existing purification techniques can remove solid pollutants as well as dissolved inorganic compounds, removing dissolved organic compounds remain a challenge, said Rahul Vaish, associate professor at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. “These glasses have photocatalytic and self-cleaning properties which help in destroying the bacteria and other microbes from wastewater in the presence of sunlight,” said Vaish, the corresponding author of the study published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. It could be used in washing machines to clean the water at the discharge point itself, rather than letting the contaminated water flow into our river systems,” Vaish said.

History of this topic

Researchers at IIT Mandi develop self-cleaning glass that purifies water using sunlight
5 years, 8 months ago

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