Unmasked faces of mob that ran riot in JNU | Photos
India TV NewsJawaharlal Nehru University was once again in the news as violence erupted inside the campus on Sunday night. As per reports, a mob entered the university with masked faces, iron roads and sticks and started attacking students as well as teachers. IndiaTvnews.com brings to you unmasked faces of the mob that ran riot inside the JNU campus on Sunday. Image Source : JNUTA Photos: Unmasked faces of mob that ran riot in JNU Image Source : JNUTA Photos: Unmasked faces of mob that ran riot in JNU Group of around 100 masked goons armed with sticks, rods entered JNU campus on Sunday evening and attacked students, faculty members. At least 28 people, including JNU Students' Union president Aishe Ghosh, a faculty member were injured as chaos reigned on the campus for nearly two hours.