LSAT India 2022 exam dates out: Tips to crack the law entrance exam at one go
India TodayAs we step into the last quarter of a challenging 2021, we can start looking forward to fresh possibilities and the promise of a new year. An important first step towards taking any law school entrance exam is familiarizing yourself with the format and mechanics of the test. There are several key differences between the various law school entrance tests in India-all of which you should familiarize yourself with as part of your test preparation. For students preparing to take the LSAT-India or any other law school entrance exam in 2022-remember, test prep doesn't have to be overwhelming. For LSAT-India test takers, we typically recommend three months as a sort of baseline guideline when it comes to test prep timelines; but you should look closely at your own circumstances to decide when to begin studying for the law school entrance tests that you are planning to appear for.