Britain, birthplace of the industrial revolution, has closed its last coal-fired plant. Here's what it means
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Britain, birthplace of the industrial revolution, has closed its last coal-fired plant. Here's what it means


As the clock struck midnight on Monday, UK time, the birthplace of the industrial revolution marked a quiet, albeit monumental moment in its history. Ms Reeve said it would be unfair and inaccurate to pin the blame for Britain's rising electricity prices on the rise of renewable energy or the decline of coal. To these advocates, Britain's example strongly suggested Australia should follow suit and build nuclear plants to act as a replacement for coal, providing uninterrupted power in huge volumes. However, Ms Reeve said it would be a mistake to think Australia could simply follow the UK's lead. Ultimately, Ms Reeve said the significance of developments out of the UK went beyond simple arguments about whether Australia should have a nuclear energy industry or not, or how much it would cost.

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