Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds now banned in Canberra backyards and fines apply
10 months ago

Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds now banned in Canberra backyards and fines apply


Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds is now banned in Canberra backyards, with residents facing fines of up to $800 if caught continually using it. ACT Wildlife is regularly called upon to rescue animals like grey-headed flying foxes from netting in Canberra backyards. "The sorts of injuries that they suffer with the large-holed netting are really terrible," ACT Wildlife flying fox coordinator Clare Wynter said. Of the 146 flying foxes brought into care by ACT Wildlife during the past season from October to mid-May, one-third of them were rescued from unsafe fruit netting.

History of this topic

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