Brave crew lands Air India flight in NYC after multiple failures, read what went wrong
6 years, 3 months ago

Brave crew lands Air India flight in NYC after multiple failures, read what went wrong

Op India  

“We have both our radio altimeters failed, TCAS failure, ILS is out of service on both sides of planes, no wind shear system either, no auto land, auto speed brake failure and the APU is unserviceable as well”. A localiser antenna, which helps in the lateral displacement and aligns the aircraft to runway centre line and a Glideslope antenna telling the aircraft to maintain the glide slope. Once the aircraft tunes into a said ILS frequency, antennas to the left of runway centre line emit a particular signal and antennas to the right emit another signal. As ILS didn’t work, auto land and auto speed brake also failed, which meant, the pilots would now have no aid from flight computers and have to do the entire landing manually. Eventually, 38 minutes after the first missed approach at JFK, at around 08:43 hours local time, Captain Palia was able to land the plane safely on runway 04R of Newark Liberty International Airport with all 370 people onboard safe.

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