I had a near-death experience after doctors injected me - it changed my view of religion and reality
3 months, 1 week ago

I had a near-death experience after doctors injected me - it changed my view of religion and reality

Daily Mail  

In the summer of 1976, Timothy Cleve Abbott was rushed to hospital when a blood blister on his foot became infected and spread up his leg. 'I bought a new pair of shoes, and I developed a blood blister, and I didn't pay any attention to it, but it went up past my knee to the point where I couldn't walk.’ After friends hauled him to the hospital, doctors lanced and drained the blood blister - but immediately injected him with the antibiotic penicillin, which Abbott said he is extremely allergic to. 'The staff started freaking out and screaming, and the next thing I know, you know, they're trying to bring me back with CPR.’ Abbott said that despite watching his own dead body on the floor, the experience was ‘very calm’. Abbott said: ‘It’s a slow moving river, normally, but it wasn't slow moving. Abbott said that he has tried to convey his experiences through his music in the decades since - and also strives to live ‘the right way.’ He said: ‘I do believe we're the good side of humanity.

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