Mukherjee Nagar fire in Delhi: Shopkeepers, auto drivers among first responders
Hindustan TimesAs soon as news broke of a fire on the ground floor of a four-storey building in Mukherjee Nagar, the roughly 250 students studying at the Gurukul SSC coaching centre, located in the basement of the building, ran to safety. Others around the site of the fire also pitched in — a tent house owner released over two dozen mattresses, and a garbage collector gave three large sacks of empty plastic bottles he had collected from the local market. “We arranged a few thick ropes from our tempo driver friends and got them thrown to the students on the upper floors,” said Ranjeet Singh, an auto driver. The floor was also getting heated and there were students crying inside about losing their footwear in the stampede and their legs burning,” said Anish Verma, a student.