Coronavirus is an opportunity to reset and rebuild a more sustainable Britain
The IndependentThe best of Voices delivered to your inbox every week - from controversial columns to expert analysis Sign up for our free weekly Voices newsletter for expert opinion and columns Sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. It’s also bringing politicians from across the political spectrum together to re-imagine a future, not working in isolation in committee rooms in the Palace of Westminster, but engaging with people across the country to tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time so that the necessary changes we make in response to this crisis are not done to people, but decided and implemented with them. We wanted to further explore the growing consensus among groups from businesses to trade unions, think tanks to campaign organisations, that we need to transform and modernise the economy with a new focus and purpose: enhancing the wellbeing of people and nature, in a way that also delivers a fairer society for everyone. Reset complemented the process and work of the UK Climate Assembly, by exploring how the need to cut our carbon emissions intersects with people’s immediate hopes and dreams. Government ministers, from the prime minister down, have made promises over recent weeks that Britain will “build back better” and “build back greener”.