An interview with authors Nandita Jayaraj and Aashima Freidog on their book 31 Fantastic Adventures in Science
5 years, 4 months ago

An interview with authors Nandita Jayaraj and Aashima Freidog on their book 31 Fantastic Adventures in Science

The Hindu  

Have you heard of Natasha Gurung? These and 27 other names feature in 31 Fantastic Adventures in Science: Women Scientists of India by Nandita Jayaraj and Aashima Freidog. “We wanted to feature as diverse a set of stories as possible,” says Nandita, so they chose on the basis of “nature of their research, their stories, and the places in India they came from.” Talking of many things People you look up to Nandita: My mother for teaching me it’s okay to clown around. The aim was to “tell a story where real Indian women scientists are seen doing amazing work while also acknowledging that there is a gender gap in science,” says Aashima who accepts that “it can be difficult to make it all the way in Indian science, especially for women and gender non-binary people from excluded communities and disadvantaged backgrounds.” However, she also says that Indian science institutions, which she describes as “isolated, slow and restrictive”, are changing. Growing “tired of the stereotype of a scientist: an old man with lab coat and big hair shaking test tubes,” they went “labhopping”, says Aashima, to find Indian women in science across the country.

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