Coronavirus | Hackers get data of 80,000 COVID-19 patients in Delhi
The HinduThe website of the Delhi State Health Mission has been taken down temporarily on Sunday after a group of hackers exposed its vulnerability. They hacked the website and accessed personal data of more than 80,000 COVID-19 patients in Delhi. The Kerala Cyber Hackers group, in a social media post on Saturday night, claimed that it has hacked the Delhi government’s ‘Delhi State Health Mission’ website and accessed the data of all corona patients. The accessed data contain COVID-19 patients’ name, address, phone number, COVID-19 test result, quarantine surveillance data, airport data, passport details, hospital data, etc. To prove their access to the records of COVID-19 patients, the group has further released screenshots and pictures of them gaining access into the central data centre of the Delhi government and showing the list of patients.