RSS never opposed reservation, says Mohan Bhagwat
The HinduRashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday said the Sangh had never opposed reservation given to certain groups, and maintained that the video making the rounds on social media, in which he is seen speaking against quotas in a meeting, is fake. I say that the video is fake and that I have never said this,” Mr. Bhagwat said while speaking at the opening of a Vidya Bharati Vignana Kendra school in Hyderabad. Mr. Bhagwat’s statement came days after Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy had said that if the BJP secured 400 seats, it would rehash the Indian Constitution to make India a country without reservation for any caste. However, weeks before the Bihar Assembly election in 2015, Mr. Bhagwat had said that there should be a “review of the reservation policy”, and the statement had stirred controversy.