CBI files chargesheet against Yes Bank founder Rana Kapoor, wife Bindu, Gautam Thapar in Rs 1,700-cr loan scam
India TodayThe Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday filed a chargesheet against Yes Bank’s former chief Rana Kapoor, wife Bindu Kapoor, promoter of Avantha Reality Gautam Thapar and others in connection with an alleged loan scam of over Rs 1,700 crore. “It was further alleged that the property was mortgaged to Yes Bank Limited against a loan of Rs 400 crore given to a Avantha Reality Limited promoted by Gautam Thapar,” officials said. Rana Kapoor allegedly extended additional loan of Rs 1,360 crore to Avantha Reality Limited and other companies of Gautam Thapar after the acquisition of the property. Rana Kapoor, his wife Bindu along with her company Bliss Abode Private Limited Private Limited, Gautam Thapar and his company Avantha Reality Limited have been charged for forgery, cheating and criminal conspiracy by the CBI in its chargesheet.