O.C. housing agencies face hurdles fulfilling ‘unprecedented’ number of housing vouchers before they expire
2 years, 11 months ago

O.C. housing agencies face hurdles fulfilling ‘unprecedented’ number of housing vouchers before they expire

LA Times  

When Orange County received a record number of federal housing vouchers last year, it was seen as a major step toward solving the local homelessness crisis. The vouchers are meant to “assist individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.” Julia Bidwell, director of Orange County housing and community development, said the authority has received 421 referrals for vouchers so far. There are 188 emergency voucher holders searching for housing within the county housing authority’s batch of vouchers. However, Cordero said, many organizations are involved with the voucher process, so landlords aren’t just dealing with “a big government institution.” The nonprofit association is partnering with the county for the emergency housing voucher program and represents more than 2,000 rental-property owners, operators and industry suppliers in Orange and Riverside counties, according to its website. Bidwell said the county partnered with service providers to help voucher holders navigate the housing market, including Human Options, Mercy House, PATH, Families Forward and Orange County United Way.

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