'What the heck? You're an insurrectionist': Senators remain tense over Jan. 6 and Kavanaugh hearings
Raw StoryBitterness lingers among some senators over the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings -- and the Jan. 6 insurrection -- although lawmakers say they've moved on. The conservative Supreme Court justice was narrowly confirmed Oct. 6, 2018, despite testimony from a physician who said Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her as a teenager and other allegations of misconduct, and the contentious saga continues to strain relationships between the Senate Judicial Committee's Democrats and Republicans, reported Politico. “If there’s anything negative about that relationship,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley, who was chairman at the time, “it’s entirely just related to the Kavanaugh hearing. It doesn’t go any further.” Senate Democrats are expecting the Kavanaugh saga to stain the confirmation process for whoever President Joe Biden nominates to replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. Whereas you were mean, mean, mean to that nice, wonderful Brett Kavanaugh.” GOP senators continue to publicly complain about the Kavanaugh hearings, but some Democrats are sick of hearing about it.