Transform your interiors: Innovative ceiling design ideas for a stunning home makeover
Hindustan TimesChoosing paint colours, deciding on the type of furniture, selecting accessories and finalising the decor are all steps in the process of planning an interior design scheme. Innovative ceiling designs can breathe new life into your living spaces, adding depth, character, and a touch of elegance. Fortunately, this is set to change, with interior designers and homeowners alike increasingly starting to pay attention to ceilings and experimenting with innovative ceiling design ideas. Tips to elevate your interiors with innovative ceiling designs Varun Poddar, CEO/Founder of VOX India shared with HT Lifestyle a few great creative options for enhancing your ceilings and truly giving your family and friends something to ‘look up to’! Be it through real or artificial wood finishings, striking colours, wallpapers, tiles, or other design elements, the right look for your ceiling elevates your entire space.