Make America bland again
3 months, 3 weeks ago

Make America bland again

Times of India  

Cooking, and eating, are often on Abhijit Banerjee's mind. Roast turkey, that my fresh-off-the-boat Indian palate found bland and dry, and the much-anticipated angel food cake, that turned out to be ultra crumbly but surprisingly bland in a pleasant way. President Ronald Reagan had recently launched his own plan to ‘Make America Great Again’: less taxes on the rich, less benefits for the poor, stronger businesses and weaker unions, private charities and private prisons, abstinence and an abortion ban. If Reagan was angel food cake, Trump is a stale rusk in a village tea-shop that has only its hardness to offer. Recipe for Angel Food Cake Sift ¾ cup sugar, 1/8th tsp of salt and 1 cup cake flour very well together.

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