Facebook suspends Russia-linked accounts for meddling in Africa
Al JazeeraFacebook has said it suspended three networks of Russian accounts for attempting to interfere in the domestic politics of eight African countries. “They typically posted about global and local political news including topics like Russian policies in Africa,” Facebook’s head of cyber security Nathaniel Gleicher said in the statement. In the case of Sudan, page administrators “posted about local news and events in Sudan and other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Sudanese-Russian relations, US-Russian relations, Russian foreign policy and Muslims in Russia,” the statement added. pic.twitter.com/E78dOOP8ZQ — Shelby Grossman October 30, 2019 Joint forces According to the Stanford researchers, those behind the accounts worked with native speakers and/or locals to the region and used a combination of authentic, fake and compromised accounts to better disguise their origins and target internet users. “It appears that the local actors who are involved know who is behind the operation.” The researchers also found that those behind the campaigns also used public WhatsApp and Telegram groups and also created several associated news sites, in one case “staffed with reporters who appear to have spent time in Russia.” In some cases the campaigns posted about local issues, as well as sharing content from local and Russian media including Sputnik and RT, the researchers found.