Malayalam actor Vineeth Sreenivasan says the unpredictability of the lead character drew him to the movie ‘Mukundan Unni Associates’
The HinduIt is interesting listening to multi-hyphenate film personality Vineeth Sreenivasan talk about how he approaches a role as an actor especially since he is a director. If you don’t trust your director then don’t do the film,” insists the actor, whose Mukundan Unni Associates, hits theatres today. Drawn by Mukundan Unni As much as the engaging script, he also liked Mukundan Unni’s unpredictability and the character being utterly unrelatable. There would be few people like him and that drew me to him.” There have been comparisons, based on the film’s promotions, to Saul Goodman from the Netflix series Better Call Saul. Saul is more human, unlike Mukundan Unni who is narcisstic and is not humane.” The character’s look aids in conveying a quiet menace.