Who would've thought Aussies' support for the monarchy still be so strong after the Queen's death? The reason for that is staring us right in the face, writes PETER VAN ONSELEN
5 months ago

Who would've thought Aussies' support for the monarchy still be so strong after the Queen's death? The reason for that is staring us right in the face, writes PETER VAN ONSELEN

Daily Mail  

More Australians approve of the job King Charles is doing as Australia's head of state than approve of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Prime Minister. Former head of the Australian Republican Movement, and subsequent prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull long used the then-future death of the Queen as his way of avoiding questions about whether he would pursue another referendum on the issue. Peter Fitzsimons was the long time face of the Australian Republican Movement - but passed the role on to Craig Foster and Nova Peris, both of whom have since departed the role Some protesters unfurled a banner reading 'DECOLONISE' - in a message to King Charles and Queen Camilla Some were more polite than others in the immediate passing of Queen Elizabeth II to call for a period of mourning before ramping up any such campaign. Republicans like me support breaking formal ties from Britain in the name of nation building and as the next step on the pathway to Australia's middle power future in a globalised world. And when you observe scenes like we saw yesterday, when Senator Lidia Thorpe made an utter goose of herself screaming obscenities at the visiting King, it is hard not to think that if we do become a republic it will simply be used by the likes of her as a pathway to spark more divisive debates that most Australians don't want to have.

History of this topic

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