Man in 20s dies after entering River Thames during -3C freeze
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. open image in gallery Police break the ice on the lake at Babbs Mill Park in Kingshurst, after the deaths of three boys aged eight, 10 and 11 Temperatures dipped below 0C in vast swathes of the UK again last night as the cold snap continues, with several regions blanketed with a layer of snow earlier in the week. Met Office spokeswoman Becky White said areas covered by the latest weather warnings could see up to 10cm of fresh snow on higher ground. open image in gallery Blackheath Common in Greenwich, London, covered in snow "We could see a good few new centimetres of snow accumulation," she said. Councils from Aberdeenshire to Cambridgeshire reported school closures, for reasons including heating failure, burst pipes and snow and ice, while all schools in Shetland were shut on Tuesday due to the weather conditions.
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More snow predicted for UK after Thames freezes over in London
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