OpenAI private study finds Artificial Intelligence in education to be a major risk in India but experts disagree
The HinduIndian policymakers specialised in artificial intelligence, who were surveyed by tech giant OpenAI on AI risk perceptions broadly said that threats to education from A.I. OpenAI’s private research conducted between September to December of 2023 through surveys and expert interviews with a few dozen policymakers in five countries found that “Education risks, were viewed as least risky,” but “India is a notable exception: Indian respondents ranked risks to education as the fifth priority area of concern, greater than geopolitical risks or the alignment problem.” No explanation was given in the OpenAI study for why Indian policymakers found A.I. misuse/malicious use’ by bad actors and ‘economic risks’,” according to policymakers surveyed in five different countries: India, Japan, Taiwan, U.K., and the U.S. On the other hand, OpenAI’s risk perceptions study, which was not released publicly, found that “advanced research and discovery and health advancements,” were identified by survey respondents from all countries as the most beneficial applications of A.I. risks to education in India were highlighted in the OpenAI study, major concerns around other prominent use cases of the technology deserve just as much or more attention in the coming months, according to some tech-policy experts like Krishnan from IIT-Madras and Patnaik, the former Rajya Sabha member.