Sorry for the shade! James Webb Telescope blocks Sun, Moon, Earth on Twitter
India TodayThe James Webb Space Telescope, a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, was launched from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25, 2021. In the meantime, the Twitter profile of the NASA Webb Telescope engaged in a witty ‘blocking game’ with the Twitter profiles of NASA Sun, NASA Moon and NASA Earth. The Twitter profile of the NASA Webb Telescope shared some screenshots of the Twitter profiles of NASA Sun, Moon and Earth that were blocked. But you're just not cool enough Now fully deployed, our sunshield blocks your heat & light so that our mirrors will be able to detect faint heat signals in the universe: #UnfoldTheUniverse — NASA Webb Telescope January 5, 2022 The witty post has garnered over 43k likes and several reactions. Blocking you is for the crater good — NASA Webb Telescope January 5, 2022 Okay fine, we'll work on our communication and keep in touch via @NASASCaN.