Why the stock market is bloody, crypto’s getting massacred, and traders are screaming like they’re extras in Carrie.
SlateOver the last few weeks, following the financial markets has felt a bit like watching the prom scene from Carrie—the party’s over, there’s blood all over the floor, and flames appear to be eating the building while the whole crowd runs screaming for the exits. Still, we’re in the midst a serious fall: Investors traditionally say it’s a “bear market” once stocks tumble 20 percent from their last peak. Are there any simpler reasons higher interest rates might be bad for stocks that you’ve glossed over? Since interest rates were so low and investors couldn’t make much money by parking their cash in safe stuff like government debt or high-grade corporate debt, they started turning to much more speculative assets that offered the hope of a jackpot, or at least decent returns. Aside from all that, everybody’s worried that the Fed is going raise rates so high that it will start a recession, which would be bad for stocks.