Treasurer calls for government agencies to improve cyber security after Super SA breach
ABCThe South Australian government says data belonging to a significant number of people has potentially been accessed through a cyber security breach. Key points: The state government has confirmed Super SA has been impacted by a cyber security breach The treasurer says he was only informed of the breach last week despite it happening nearly two months ago He says government agencies need to improve their internal security SA Treasurer Stephen Mullighan told parliament on Wednesday that hackers stole data from a call centre previously contracted by Super SA — a dedicated superannuation fund for state government employees. Call centre targeted after previous breach Mr Mullighan said Super SA hired the call centre to help it field phone calls from members impacted by a previous cyber security breach in 2019. Treasurer calls for security improvements Mr Mullighan said the latest cyber security breach proved government agencies needed to improve their internal security. In a statement to the ABC, Public Service Association general secretary, Natasha Brown, said she was "extremely concerned" about the cyber security breach.