Trio of mountain lion cubs rescued at Oakland Zoo after mother was likely struck, killed
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Trio of mountain lion cubs rescued at Oakland Zoo after mother was likely struck, killed

LA Times  

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife brought three orphaned mountain lion cubs to the Oakland Zoo for rehabilitation. Authorities are looking for a forever home for a trio of mountain lion cubs the California Department of Fish and Wildlife found wandering through a neighborhood in San Mateo County earlier this month. Portola Valley residents discovered the 3-month-old cubs — named Fern, Thistle and Spruce — and called wildlife officials, who later found them hiding under a car and took them about 40 miles to the Oakland Zoo, where hospital staff performed health examinations. Mountain lion cubs require about two years with their mother to learn survival skills before they can fend for themselves in the wild, zoo officials said.

History of this topic

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