At the 2018 New York Pride Parade, glimpses of celebration, defiance and love
FirstpostThe streets of New York were awash with colour, energy and defiance, as the 49th annual Gay Pride Parade hit 5th Avenue in all its technicolour glory on 24 June 2018 The streets of New York were awash with colour, energy and defiance, as the 49th annual Gay Pride Parade hit 5th Avenue in all its technicolour glory on 24 June 2018. The 2018 NYC Gay Pride Parade brought out between 1.5 to 2 million people to the streets of New York to show their support; one can only guess how many more supporters there will be next year for the big anniversary! [imgcenter> [/imgcenter> Many different nations were represented in this year’s parade, including this proud flag bearer from Jamaica. [imgcenter> [/imgcenter> The parade included many intricately choreographed routines, their colourful flags flying in formation, to the delight of the enthusiastic crowds [imgcenter> [/imgcenter> Many major international banks ‘came out’ in support of the LGBTQ community, including marchers from Deutsche Bank, and this float from Citibank.