Old Dreams Die Hard : Scouts Rule Over Baseball Tryout Camps, Where the Radar Gun Can Kill a Career
36 years, 8 months ago

Old Dreams Die Hard : Scouts Rule Over Baseball Tryout Camps, Where the Radar Gun Can Kill a Career

LA Times  

A former minor leaguer, a martial arts expert, a baseball fanatic and a positive thinker descended on Loyola Marymount’s Page Stadium last month with batting gloves in their back pockets and hopes higher than the towering left-field screen. “He’s not big but he knows how to pitch, and I’d sign him if we could.” Genovese likens Villasenor to Angels reliever Dewayne Buice, an All-City pitcher at Carson in 1975 who Genovese also signed. “I’ll play until my I get my chance--or my arm falls off.” Dan Fouts, a former Westchester High and Harbor College first baseman, never thought a book could alter his approach to baseball. But that was before he read Maxwell Maltz’s “Psycho-Cybernetics.” John Scolinos, the Cal Poly Pomona baseball coach, introduced Fouts to “Psycho-Cybernetics” two years ago. One scout said simply: “He’s not a prospect.” “The scouts think I’m a hard worker,” Fouts said sheepishly, “but there is more to me than that.

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