India's Greta Thunberg: All about 11-year-old climate activist Ridhima Pandey
India TodayWhile the world is going gaga over teenage environment activist Greta Thunberg's thought-provoking speech on rising emissions, few are aware that an 11-year-old Indian girl was among 16 child petitioners who filed a complaint to protest lack of government action on the climate crisis. Indian climate activist Ridhima Pandey joins other children in displaying placards to create awareness on climate change in New York. Ridhima Pandey was among 16 children, including Thunberg, who filed a complaint to protest the lack of government action on the climate crisis at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday. #UNGA UNICEF India September 24, 2019 Ridhima spoke at length with PTI about her recent journey to New York, where she attended the United Nations Climate Action Summit.