12 Wine Terms Every Wine Lover Should Know
8 years, 9 months ago

12 Wine Terms Every Wine Lover Should Know

Huff Post  

You’re out to eat and seeking the perfect glass of red to go with your steak. SWEET If you use the word "sweet," it’s pretty much assumed you’re looking for a dessert wine. BUTTERY Use this if you prefer a white--like Chardonnay--that’s creamy and smooth when you swish it around your mouth. CORKED This refers to something called cork taint—which happens when a cork gets contaminated before your wine is bottled. You’ll know if your glass is corked because it will smell like wet dog.

History of this topic

Revealed: The formula for the perfect bottle of wine - as studies show the colour of the vessel, type of cork and even style of label can influence the taste
1 year ago

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