Who Can Get A Coronavirus Test?
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING As cases of COVID-19 spread, many people are hearing of friends and family who have been exhibiting symptoms. “So we’re not testing, let’s say, a young, otherwise healthy individual who has an upper respiratory tract infection, as we really would not do anything to change the recommendation to that person,” Procop said. But the fact of the matter is testing is limited and there’s not all the testing in the world.” Dr. Tista Ghosh, medical director at the Grand Rounds health care company, said the current guidelines are breaking people into three priority categories: Priority one: Hospitalized patients and medical staff. “So that’s why having symptoms is one of the key criteria to get you access to a test and then being in those three priority groups,” Ghosh said. Ghosh said she’s hopeful that health care providers and health departments across the country do their best to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on who gets tested, “because there really is a shortage and we need to reserve these resources for those who need it most.” How to get a coronavirus test if you need one The first step in trying to get a coronavirus test is to call your doctor and discuss your symptoms.