Tamil Nadu launches e-Pass portal for entry to hill stations
The HinduMay 05, 2024 08:53 pm | Updated May 06, 2024 07:15 pm IST - Udhagamandalam/KODAIKANAL The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday announced the launch of a portal for registering to obtain an e-Pass to enter the hill stations of the Nilgiris and Kodaikanal from May 7 to June 30, as mandated by the Madras High Court. Poongodi on Sunday said those intending to visit Kodaikanal hill station from May 7 to June 30 can obtain e-pass by accessing the website - epass.tnega.org, which would be activated from May 6 onwards. In a press statement, the Collector said that following the Madras High Court order, the district administration has made arrangements for issuing e-pass to the public visiting the hill station from other districts and States. Putting at rest the confusion that public may not be able to visit the hill station and that there may be hindrances, the Collector said that to get the e-pass, the applicant has to furnish certain basic information such as his/her name, number of passengers travelling, vehicle type, place of stay, among others, from their mobile phone itself.