This Woman Was Charged $185,000 In Her Own Sexual Harassment Case
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING First, Karen Ward was sexually harassed by her boss. Travis Dove for HuffPost Ward’s employment contract with EY contained a forced arbitration clause, something companies often include in part to prevent allegations from former employees from becoming public. The fees in Ward’s case are “eye-poppingly outrageous,” Bland said — among the highest he had ever heard of. “The costs in this case are so high and extreme I think there is a good argument that the court should intervene and strike down the arbitration clause and say it’s abusive,” Bland said. “EY’s ‘catchphrase’ is: ‘building a better working world.’ Forcing women, as a condition of employment, to pursue claims of gender discrimination and harassment only in secret arbitration proceedings does not help to ‘build a better working world.’ In fact, it does the opposite,” Ward wrote.