Coronavirus | Survey of India maps to bolster Arogya Setu app
The HinduTo “complement” the Arogya Setu App, a government endorsed application that helps trace the contacts of those who may have been infected by COVID-19, the Survey of India, the country’s apex map maker has made public a trove of maps. “The mobile application has been customised to collect COVID-19 specific geospatial datasets through community engagement to augment the response activities by government to the pandemic.” Officials said that the maps wouldn’t be directly useful to the general public and was aimed at government agencies which require geospatial information. In his address announcing the extension of the lockdown on Tuesday, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi urged Indians to use the Arogya Setu application and “inspire others to download the app as well”. But if it is a one way transfer from Sahyog to Arogya Setu, then it is more about privacy protection within the latter application,” said Prasanth Sugathan, Legal Director, Software Freedom Law Centre, India.