Dear Prudence: My neighbor likes to cross-dress. How do I interact with him?
9 years, 11 months ago

Dear Prudence: My neighbor likes to cross-dress. How do I interact with him?


Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is online weekly to chat live with readers. My husband wants to reconcile, so he doesn’t say as much, but I know he thinks I’m responsible for the married woman’s beating. I told them politely that I plan on spending Mother’s Day with my own mom but I will pop by and say hi when they get home that evening. Surely you have caller ID, so when you see who’s on the other line, you say, “Honey, this call’s for you.” It’s great your husband is on your side, and he needs to say to his family, “Laura is spending the day with her mother. It seems clear the letter writer thought the wife was trying to keep her from spilling the beans to the husband, not that she thought, “Ha, I’m going to get this cheater beaten up!” But what she did was reckless, and even if the husband in question was not violent, the letter writer shouldn’t have told him.

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