How Taliban’s Draconian ‘Morality’ Law Targets Afghan Women, Who Are The Muhtasibs?
News 18How miserable are women in Afghanistan can be understood from the fact that the Taliban have passed a new “morality” law — ‘Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’ — which imposes its interpretation of sharia or Islamic law on people and bans women from showing any part of their bodies or faces in public. Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada told civil and military officials “they should implement… the law of promoting virtue in society”, a statement by the Information and Culture Department of Faryab province said. However, women’s social, economic and political status deteriorated during the Taliban’s first takeover from 1996 to 2001 during which they imposed the Sharia law. The experts urged all international actors, and in particular UN Member States, to develop a robust, principled, and coordinated strategy on Afghanistan which places human rights, including women’s human rights and gender equality, at the centre.