Bombay High Court says single instance of following is ’not’ stalking
Live MintBombay High Court's Nagpur bench has held that following a girl just once, does not amount to stalking, as prescribed under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code and the provisions under the Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act. “It is to be noted that in order to attract the offence of stalking, the prosecution must prove that the accused repeatedly or constantly followed, watched or contacted a child either directly or through electronic, digital media," read Bombay High Court's judgement, reported legal news agency Live Law. Justice Govind Sanap declared the verdict on December 5, 2024, while hearing pleas involving two 19-year-old boys accused of sexual harassment and stalking a 14-year-old girl. What was the ‘stalking’ case The Bombay High Court's judgement came on December 5, 2024.