每日一词∣知识产权保护 intellectual property rights protection
China Daily7月17日,国务院常务会议对进一步加强知识产权保护工作作出部署。会议指出,要持续加强知识产权执法,积极推进相关法规的修改进程,提升知识产权审查质量和效率。 China's State Council decided Wednesday to adopt more measures to enhance intellectual property rights protection. The country will continue to strengthen law enforcement for IPR protection, actively advance the revision of relevant laws and regulations, and improve the quality and efficiency of IPR examination, according to a statement released after a State Council executive meeting. 图片来源:视觉中国 【知识点】 按照党中央、国务院部署,进一步加强知识产权保护: 1、持续加强知识产权执法,一视同仁保护各类市场主体合法权益。 2、积极推进专利法、著作权法修改进程,推进商标法新一轮全面修改和专利法实施细则、植物新品种保护条例修订,大幅提高违法成本。 3、继续提升知识产权审查质量和效率。 【重要讲话】 中国将坚持对外开放基本国策,大幅度放宽市场准入,加大保护知识产权力度,创造更具吸引力的投资和营商环境。 China will continue to pursue its fundamental policy of opening-up by significantly expanding market access, better protecting intellectual property rights, and making our investment and business environment more attractive. ——2018年11月18日,习近平在APEC第26次领导人非正式会议上的讲话 【相关词汇】 知识产权归属 intellectual property ownership 自主知识产权 independent intellectual property rights 知识产权强国 intellectual property rights powerhouse