Abhijit Bhattacharyya | Moscow & West must remember history, and scale down race war…
2 years, 3 months ago

Abhijit Bhattacharyya | Moscow & West must remember history, and scale down race war…

Deccan Chronicle  

Scanning historical atlases of world geography’s changing/changed cartography of various countries of different shape/size in different eras, one wonders how Moscow managed its long, uninterrupted and un-changed gigantic political geography up to 1991! Europe was awed as the Russian army advanced to the West, and French crowds prudently shouted “Vive l’empereur Alexandre” as the Czar entered Paris. Thus, Hitler’s “extermination” directive to his generals and marshals in the eastern theatre: “In war with Bolshevism, handling the enemy according to humane rules or the principles of international law isn’t applicable”. The Second World War thus became the greatest example of a repulsive race war, which once again showed an “inferior” but victorious Slav leader inside the “superior” but vanquished Germany’s city of Potsdam, where from July 17 to August 2, 1945 the Big Three met -- the Anglo-Saxon duo of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt and Josef Stalin from Moscow – to decide the future of Germany and post-war Europe, ending with the Potsdam Agreement. On both occasions -- in 19th century Napoleonic time and in the 20th century after Hitler’s war – the “inferior” Slavs from Moscow had the last laugh as Europe’s future was decided by three “outsiders”.

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