Youthspeak: The audacity of youth
India TodayWith an average age of 29, India is currently home to a fifth of the world’s youth population. The United Nations Population Fund predicts that this ‘youth bulge’—often referred to as India’s demographic dividend—will last till about 2025, with India continuing to have one of the youngest populations in the world till 2030. The one thing that unites young Indians’ dreams for the country is an overwhelming belief in India’s potential Whether it is pollution, the continuing lack of gender equality or the shortage of jobs, young people today are clear-sighted about the problems facing our country and aren’t afraid to name them. Vibhor Jain, a 19-year-old studying at IIT Delhi says that while democratically elected politicians may have forgotten the plight of our country, “the youth hasn’t and will not forget India”. And 16-year-old Radhika Bharadwaj, a student of Seth Anandram Jaipuria School in Ghaziabad adds, “The capable youth of India are coming to the rescue.” It isn’t just economic value that India’s young demographic wishes to create but also cultural, social, environmental and political worth.