Anti-Kavanaugh advert compares judge to Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby
Daily MailA new attack ad comparing Brett Kavanaugh to Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby has been launched by the American Civil Liberties Union. It is part of a million-dollar effort by the nonprofit to persuade wavering senators not to back Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court amid sexual assault claims by three women. Brett Kavanaugh has vehemently denied sex assault claims brought by three women relating to parties he attended in the 1980s The ad also features images of former NBC anchor Matt Lauer and former 60 Minutes presenter Charlie Rose - who were also unseated from their positions amid sex scandals. Bill Cosby denied knowing anything about allegations brought by Andrea Constand that he drugged and assaulted her at his apartment in 2004, but was found guilty last week Bill Clinton categorically denied having 'sexual relations' with Monika Lewinsky but was later shown to have lied about it Christine Blasey Ford, a professor who accuses Kavanaugh of attempting to rape her in the 1980s, testified about the alleged attack in front of senators last week. Christine Blasey Ford accuses Kavanaugh of attempting to rape her at a party in the 1980s, while Deborah Ramirez claims he exposed himself to her at a similar party Julie Swetnick claims she was at several parties with Kavanaugh in the 1980s and saw him groping women and pushing them into walls while 'sloppy' drunk 'I saw him push girls into walls,' she said.