Mumbai woman orders wine online, gets duped of Rs 4.8 lakh instead. Here's what happened!
India TV NewsHighlights According to the FIR filed by the police, the lady Googled "wine shops near me" The fraudster called the victim and informed her that cash on delivery is not an option to pay The person gave her a QR code to scan and soon she lost around Rs 4.80 lakh A woman in Mumbai got duped for Rs 4.8 lakhs while she was ordering a bottle of wine online. The person gave her a QR code to scan and get back the extra amount she paid but soon after scanning Rs 19,991 got debited from her account. The pattern went on happening until the woman lost around Rs 4.80 lakh in this manner, said the police. Last year in October, another online-purchase related horror happened when a 31-year-old Mumbai doctor tried booking a birthday cake for Rs 400 but lost Rs 53,000 to a fraudster.