GOP conservative temporarily blocks $19B disaster bill
5 years, 7 months ago

GOP conservative temporarily blocks $19B disaster bill

Associated Press  

WASHINGTON — A House GOP conservative blocked a long-overdue $19 billion disaster aid bill Friday, complaining it leaves out money needed to address the migrant crisis at the border and extending a tempest over hurricane and flood relief that has left the measure meandering for months. He also objected to speeding the measure through a nearly empty chamber, saying it was important for lawmakers to actually vote on a bill that “spends a significant amount of taxpayer money.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a key force behind the measure which moved through the Senate with the enthusiastic embrace of Roy’s two GOP senators, said the delays have gone on too long. “Every day of Republican obstruction, more disasters have struck, more damage has piled up and more families have been left in the cold.” Democrats said the House might try to again pass the measure next week during a session, like Friday’s, that would otherwise be pro forma. “We’re just trying to work out some detailed language, but we didn’t think we could wait any longer to get this done.” In fact, among the reasons for the late-week breakdown was a demand by Hispanic forces and House liberals such as Pelosi ally Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., to insist on a provision to tighten up existing language that tries to block the Homeland Security Department from getting information from the Department of Health and Human Services to help track immigrants residing in the U.S. illegally if they care for migrant refugee children arriving in huge numbers at the border. “Well, we’re going to get the immigration money later, according to everybody,” Trump said.

History of this topic

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