California lawmakers want to reform a bail system they say ‘punishes the poor for being poor’
LA TimesCalifornia lawmakers next year will make it a top priority to reform the system through which judges award criminal offenders bail, saying courts across the state are punishing “the poor for being poor.” Assemblyman Rob Bonta and Sen. Bob Hertzberg said they plan to fire the first salvo Monday, when lawmakers descend upon the Capitol for the start of the 2017 legislative session. Lawmakers discuss reform for California’s bail system » Bonta, an Oakland Democrat, said he sees “unprecedented” energy and momentum on the issue, but predicted “a heavy, strong resistance from the bail industry and insurance companies.” Debate over bail reform has simmered at the national level in recent years and has often been waged in court, with cities and counties across the country facing lawsuits over policies that some legal experts say have turned jails into modern-day debtors prisons. “When you have a system that is making decisions simply and solely based on a person’s wealth, something is fundamentally wrong and that is simply not acceptable.” Bail reform legislation has failed in California in the past, often because of tough opposition from bondsman companies that argue the current system allows defendants access to their civil liberties. “Those who are rich get to pay their way out and those who aren’t have to languish in jail.” To read the article in Spanish, jazmine.ulloa@latimes.com Twitter: @jazmineulloa ALSO: Lawmakers discuss reform for California’s bail system Obama administration challenges the money bail system: Can people be kept in jail just because they are poor?
History of this topic

Bail reforms: What are bail conditions and how do they affect the accused person's rights?
Hindustan Times
Delaware lawmakers approve first leg of constitutional amendment to reform bail system
Associated Press
Editorial: California blew it on bail reform. Now Illinois is showing it works
LA Times
Shortening the gap between bail and release
Hindustan Times
Editorial: L.A. County cities should stop fighting the end of cash bail. It’s working
LA Times
Lawsuit challenging L.A. County’s new limits on cash bail suffers major setback
LA Times
Editorial: L.A. court’s refreshing candor on money bail: It doesn’t make us safer
LA Times
Editorial: How the court’s bail reform plan could go wrong. How to keep it going right
LA Times
Editorial: Leaders aren’t leading on L.A. bail reform
LA Times
Editorial: Chief Moore and other bail reform critics are wrong. Cash bail should not be a form of punishment
LA Times
Editorial: Goodbye to cash bail. L.A. is moving to a better approach to pretrial justice
LA Times
Illinois Is First State To Fully Abolish Cash Bail In Move To Stop Caging Poor People
Huff Post
Cash bail disproportionately impacts communities of color. Illinois is the first state to abolish it
Associated Press
Cash bail disproportionately impacts communities of color. Illinois is the first state to abolish it
The Independent
Opinion: As judges, we’ve made thousands of bail decisions. Here’s the truth about detention and public safety
LA Times
Editorial: Trump should not have to pay bail
LA Times
Editorial: L.A.’s bail reform is an improvement, but falls short of what Illinois has done
LA Times
Bail Conditions Imposed By Courts Must Be Realistic Considering Socio-Economic Background Of Accused : Supreme Court
Live Law
Editorial: 50 Cent and prosecutors are wrong about cash bail. L.A. courts get it right
LA Times
Illinois is first state to eliminate cash bail, a penalty affecting low-income communities most
Associated Press
L.A. County courts to severely limit use of cash bail
LA Times
Editorial: Court brings back sanity, and the Constitution, in Los Angeles bail ruling
LA Times
Editorial: Presumed guilty! The toxic cost of money bail
LA Times
Republican bills push cash bail, subvert Democratic changes
Associated Press
Can’t Grant Anticipatory Bail When Money Has Been Taken From Large Number Of People, Says Supreme Court During Hearing
Live Law
Criminal justice panel says California should pay restitution to victims, ban some traffic stops
LA Times
Editorial: California still violates the Constitution on bail
LA Times
California stalls scaled down bail reform after year’s delay
Associated Press
Affirming the primacy of bail
Hindustan Times
Editorial: Bail’s purpose is freedom, not jail
LA Times
Don’t blame bail reform for higher crime, NYC watchdog says
Associated Press
NYC comptroller: Don't blame bail reform for higher crime
The Independent
Editorial: ‘Zero bail’ and release from jail are not the same thing
LA Times
Editorial: Yes, there are problems with Prop. 47 and $0 bail. Just not what you think
LA Times
Latest California bail reform effort dies for this year
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Bail reform: Behind police leaders claims that reforms are responsible for surge in violence
California top court strikes blow against cash bail
Al Jazeera
Editorial: Court takes a giant step on bail, but more work is needed
LA Times
California’s top court ends cash bail for some defendants who can’t afford it
LA Times
Endorsement: Yes on Proposition 25 to end bail and the poverty penalty
LA Times
Editorial: No, criminals aren’t rampaging across California because of our zero-dollar bail policy
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California Prosecutors Are Using Loopholes To Keep People In Jail During COVID-19
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Editorial: A $0 bail for Californians accused of nonviolent crimes? That’s exactly the right amount
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Freed after NY bail reform, robbery suspect arrested by feds
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Editorial: The welcome but glacial dismantling of California’s bail system
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Column: Facing eradication, the bail industry gears up to mislead the public about its value
LA Times
California voters are divided over bail reform, poll finds
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Free: New York state slashes the practice of paying bail
Associated Press
California’s historic overhaul of cash bail is now on hold, pending a 2020 referendum
LA Times
California’s chief justice says bail overhaul will continue with or without the new law
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